I would literally twerk to this song... refav!
Messing with the Heisenberg one day until I somehow made this bellish sound out of it and had to make a song out of it.. Comment and favorite! (:
I might change that synth over the dubstep in the middle of the song sometime
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0 This is so cool! :D
0 Thanks bro! Yeah I was proud how well they fit with the song. Appreciate itt (:
0 Another cool track man, i like the drums you have in this alot!!! :]
0 Thanks a bunch @limitless I'm glad you like it!
0 i really like this; very groovy! [downloaded]
0 Thanks! I've been working on my drops. Trying to make them more epic but I'm not really there yet lol
0 This sounds so epic =O love the drop!