This is a track that I've been sitting on for a few days. I finished it on a 12 hour stint of music work during a 3 day Memorial Day weekend.

I worked with the Pulver as a sub bass machine and practiced balancing the bass with the other instruments and kept it from overwhelming the entire track.

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  • I heard it on the radio, I love it and I download it !!! well done

  • nice groove with rev. snare!!!

  • It's really great

  • really love it!

  • Woah awesome...

  • Thanks for the compliments, guys. Glad you are enjoying the tracks!

    Jonjon , thank you especially. You've been following me since I started making music on Audiotool always giving little bits of advice, encouragement, and really good tracks to study.

  • Awesome pads!! Great!!

  • This makes me think slightly of Nujabes. Pretty chill.

  • Got the sub bass perfect here.