it has been too long..

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0 -
0 nice:)
0 super mellow and- awesome!
0 BTF!!
0 Really thank you guys :-) this is very encouraging !!!
0 probably one of the more professional songs ive heard!! right next to some songs by TopHat down there :) Love it!
0 very nice m8
0 very soft and mellow synths...good job!
0 this is very soothing and the Fx's are fantastic, great one
0 Thxs guys :-)
0 Encore une chouette réalisation que j'écoute avec plaisir Beau boulot ! (La réspiration fait presque peur.)
0 very creative. I like it very much!
0 Un'esperienza da sub!! Si mi ricorda molto le mie immersioni!! Molto Bello!! :)
0 thx hirO
0 6mer diza ^^