Here Is a remix contest ..

rules : you must use the three different melodies .

you can change the sound of it but not the notes .

tracks longer then 3.00 minutes .

so get on it and make something of this .



trying to get the closest to the original loop

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  • nce remix , did you know he has stole thios from me

  • Kool RMX

  • Like it man! gave ya a follow

  • :D merci Grotzo c sympa

  • Didon, t'as un sacré orchestre !

    Non sérieux, sympa le remix.

  • merci :)

  • super se sons

  • Cool.

  • Thanks Man!

  • choose what you prefer as entry i did this second one to keep your note as said in rules and because it's very cool :)

  • I Thought you already made one?

  • elle est pas mal celle là ;) faudrais que je me chauffe pour en faire un :p