So...made this for Aosom's remix contest, although i will take these few first words to apologize, i made this while sick which made it difficult, since my headaches would get the better of me...i couldv'e gotten this out sooner, and i hope its good enough, because of said headaches, i dont know how well i made the track itself...

For rules, we were to use the bassline and a couple of other restrictions such as: only one of each effect, infinite tools, only one drum machine (i chose Beatbox 9) and only a limit of 3 pulv and 3 heisen...

As for the track I did not alter the bassline notes, just its length in various parts, and ran it through a Stereo Detune; the 909 only has an Exciter on the Hi-hats and Slope on the kick in LP filter.

Used both pulvs for background sounds (piano-ish sound and the pad-ish sounds you hear.)

The Heisenberg (funnest thing i made), worked with it to get a sort of digital lead with it, then gave it a Delay and messed around with the on-board filter in standard mode, finally gave it some Glide and...WUALA! Cool Heisen sound! :D

At the end, EQing to complete the sounds and volume fixes so everything is in balance.

I hope you all enjoy the remix, it wasn't easy for me to make, but still fun :3

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