bleh i'll enter

My Second Remix Competition!
- Be Original
- Quality > Quantity
- You can be any genre
- Have fun
1st: Follow, collab, like on all tracks, avatar, shoutout in description, place in winners album
2nd: Follow, collab, like on all tracks, avatar, place in winners album
3rd: Follow, collab, place in winners album
4th: Follow, place in winners album
5th: Place in winners album
6th and below: Sorry guys
Deadline is the 1st of May, but extensions can be made if necessary.
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0 -
0 um ok
0 can I use FL studio?
2 Too much sidechaining at some points. Put i might enter
1 To actually try for a good remix, or to just shove Kanye Weeeest into it. That is the true question here.
0 im totally entering this holi fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. < 3
1 @[Sol3r] Hahaha i just saw that
0 Woah this is so cool, I'm definitely entering!
*Sees Synthonix*
0 Dammit Synth, I wanted in on this. You v me bb
8 entering af
when comp doesnt have ebola