formerly called "rain"

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  • MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN DA FUCK???? HOW?????? WHY????? you cant drop so many ultra quality Tracks at once, its to much

  • haha i love the bongo part its fits perfectly :D

  • *good. lol

  • i hope you are still accepting constructive criticism. that conga break. its really god and a great idea, but i think that you could fill that in a bit more. with maybe a background arp that is vaguely present. something there to fill it in :) thats my only crit. and its not even that serious.

  • your chords, man. great job lux

  • ty

  • You're weirdly shifted. >.>

  • Republished

    The melody and drum pattern at 0.48 was weirdly shifted



  • transition at 2:12 ..

    too clean

  • electronic musicianship

    I can only watch from the sidelines

    how you guys can make such upbeat and structured tracks remain an anomaly to me!

  • I wish I could write chords like you luxy :P

  • i love the background notes

  • omg, i luv dis liek i luv nutella