Some of my best work in months. Totally came to me on an absolute whim-- I decided to toy with the concept of making a song at 160bpm and found an a-m-a-z-i-n-g vocal sample, and the rest grew from there. It seems to have brought my inner Recess-era Skrillex out. :P

The final track on w/r/t, and also sorta the title track? It's weird.

(Turbo FAST is by DreamWorks.)

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  • it's got some cool sounds. not really my type of music but it's alright.

  • Republished

    Polishing up a few things, mainly volume and the reverb on one of the midrange synths.

  • awesome stuff dude!

  • This is pretty sick!

    Sounds like it could be used for a Hip-Hop song (If there wasn't any melody)