Been sitting in my drafts for over a year, and ive been working on it, and learning Dubstep and DnB from it.

In Reality, I did not change much. I mostly used it to learn, but I wanted to include it in the EP anyway, as its been in my drafts for TWO YEARS.

Stage Agreed to join up on this, and cleaned up a good bit of stuff. I mostly messed with the draft. I think was passively watching it, and stuff. So its a collab orginal/remix? Whatever. call it a collab. He clicked yes to the invite. so there.

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  • this is intense yo

  • yup those are good ol' stagefright style growls right there

  • i forgot how lit this song was....

    and that little orchestra thing

    • probs one of at's best dubstep songs. prove me wrong here....

  • This is the second best track on AT! @Infyuthusion's Grimebot is the king of AT though.

  • 666 PLAYS

  • Who gives a fuck about what some people say, I listen to this often. This is a really good track and you and StageFright both deserve every listen and fav this track has.

  • i don't like that you sampled your basses

    2 more
  • Aww. Stage took it off his wall.

  • Dang bro i wanna chart lol but this heaven experience or not

  • better than most on the site still, but I can actually judge you without lowered standards. gj

  • the buildup needs work.

  • however, I can appreciate the work overall.

  • that’s a lot of stagefright’s fl stuff in the assets lol

    • the pulv is op gotta step it up

    • Stage Made this. Well i recreated it, and then he Changed a bunch of things around, and I Kept the assests.

    • And no pulv :/

  • Sup bro nice stuff ofcourse lol, this are crazy...

  • jesus f u c k