Continious line:

Shut up, tonight i'm gonna love you


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  • great job on this i like it :)

  • awesome piano line!!! great mood to this I really like it alot!! I like the drums!! you did a great job on this... maybe have a different uinderlying bass line or melody?

  • wow great melody!! feels so dance ready!

  • thank you monsters

  • great track man

  • gorgeous track!!

  • nice work SSagara, I admire you n_n

  • Thanks man. I love to do stuff like this. I have fun working and searching sounds with synths so its enough reward for me but reading that you are inspired by some of my songs... It's one of the best comments i've ever read on my tracks :,)

  • dude this is way cool!! love the arps! your work always inspires me :)

  • Thank you torn :) in time for Friday's release

  • love it - wonderful :)

  • Stills WIP