I started this track a long time ago, but a save error caused it to be unopenable. After 3 weeks of inactivity, I checked again and it was working again. Hence the name "Reborn."

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  • 2010.


  • offbeat

  • Republished

    Compatibility, slight mix changes, remove end silence, rip having no DC offset

  • nice

  • In the beginning..

  • Not bad XD

  • It's no rights reserved, but not with a "D:" but rather with a ":D". I'm proud having no rights reserved. for this track, because it means that I'm both less evil and more hipster, since the CC licenses didn't come out until later.

  • No rights reserved? D:

  • Heh, I still remember how pissed off I was. And then I contacted Audiotool and I guess Luke fixed things up. Audiotool was buggy as hell back then.

  • Woa!! So peacful until 0:28 ! haha... I like the bio of this track!

  • Hi man. I'm a 43-year-old male from Paris FRANCE.

    i like your song if you want i would like working qhith you if you are ok

    i like techno,trance and house song music

    contact me

    see you


  • :)

  • Great sound^^

  • realy nice

  • Maaan, that drop at 3:52 ! So sexy.