Well, This one was easier than I expected. Tracks like these usually take me about 2 months to make, but I got done in about two weeks. Thought you guys might enjoy some emotional DnB. Hope you like it :]

"Reborn", a simple, yet emotional Drum & Bass Track. Some synth elements were inspired by Above & Beyond. ENJOY!!! :D


This is the 4th type of Negative Energy. A 'New Power' Will A Pave Path of Destruction. A Day of Reckoning Will Soon Come...


We Rise Above the Clouds in, "SKY HOP"

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  • "Our Darkest Day is Upon Us..."

  • I like it.

  • Nicely done, G1m8:)!

  • In a strange way, this sorta reminds me of DmC: Devil May Cry. Don't know why though??? :/

  • usual gravidon-style bass, transitions, high resonance;

    good melody.

  • cool!

  • love the melody :D

  • I kinda feel like this needs a louder bass :/

  • :D

  • I can tell you guys are gonna LOVE my next couple of tracks... ;)

  • Cool track, however, I kind of agree with them. The resonance is a little too high, lots of reverb isn't necessarily a bad thing, as long as there's no excessive feedback. Also, this sounds similar to your other tracks, your previous tracks were great, but it can tend to get a tad bit repetitive. I'd kind of like to hear something new, or different from your usual.

  • ooh wow! that beginning synth is amazing! i love how it opens up...a bit too noisy with other synths, they are sort of hiding the drums. and i just think everything is a bit too loud. otherwise this is awesome! nice work! :)

  • sounds great gravi