bye guys I'm gonna go be an over-dramatic film director

Headphones/Monitors Strongly Recommended.

This has the potential to murder half of the worlds computers btw

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  • wow. I haven't felt that since the internet days

  • damn what a bop, i really dig the interlude sections (possibly even more than the drops lol but that's just my personal preferences lol)

  • This is making movies in my head <3

  • <3 sounds like oldschool audiotool tracks

  • the second drop <3

    Amazing track

  • im crying

    1 more
  • Oh i like the drums allot.

  • Holy shit dude.

    The chords are crazy good,

    the buildup was perfectly dramatic,

    The drop and chorus are great.

    Don't EVEN GET ME STARTED with 2:14 COME ON

    I love everything you make.