Pulve set up to play 5ths, 6ths or no 3rd (power chord) using single note on timeline.

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  • Very Helpful! We need more templates like this!

  • you should create a template. We always say open the tracks, but some tracks are hard to work through, so if you break it into a template, people can see a little easier.

  • I know a few tricks myself, maybe I should reveal them. :P

  • I was a little afraid this would be useless to people, but I'm glad it seems to have value. I'll try to make some more of these with other techniques I use.

  • Ah, I see that. This actually helps a ton.

  • :). that's part of the fun. You really don't need to know the theory about it, but if you like the sounds, use them. I use the 6ths a lot because it's really nice more full sound that doesn't easily clash with anything you're already doing :).

  • i dont really mow know whats going on there, but i think its helpfull to create cool sounds. thx very much ;)