Maybe they arrive, someday...

I know they are coming!


where are you?

why you disappear?

i think it was a dream...

but i saw it now.

i can't wait,

cause is so hard;

so whatever,

thinking about.


we can live


upset feelings;

it can't be,

why it stop?

along the course?

it would

be worst;

I can't imagine

how it was

to coming,

between the feel,

and the motion.


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  • I'm not sure if this is electro or other genre...

  • Republished

    Some FXs added.

  • im not a fan of vocal edm but this is decent. nice job man. Um, if you want any constructive critiques, i suppose maybe put some more effects on your voice? Not really my forte, but keep it up!

    I also reallylike your arps. very okie dokie

    • I'm not sure I understood your response about affination...

    • But sure, I will try my best!!

    • When you say effects, I'm thinking to let it with more afination, but i don't know about a program that make it. :(

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