i think this clips more than anything else ive ever made, which is quite an impressive feat

I basicall did almost everything excpt the melody
- werbs
lol 15 decades later we finally pub this lol
it still sucks - Vulkron
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0 -
0 oh shit this was back when I didn't know i could automate reverb
0 Needs moar REVERB
0 this is crusty
0 VINAI 2.0
1 why is this better then what i can do?
10 not 2 be mean but holy shit this sounds old as shit and dry af
0 no DL?
0 uhm electro house isnt a rave genre
0 if this charts the charts are officially a joke
0 noooo this is top of the day charts lmao xD
0 ahhhh this is too much of a meme
0 lmao how old is this
0 "basicall"
0 wait u changed the drop melody