this may have been obvious to some people but i had to figure it out. sharing new (to me) knowledge. might help the musicality of some rasselbock patternage
Ratio 3/4 --> 5 semitones below input
Ratio 2/3 --> 7 semitones below input
Ratio 1/2 --> 12 semitones below input
Ratio 1/3 --> 19 semitones below input
Ratio 1/4 --> 24 semitones (2 8va) below input
Ratio 1/6 --> 31 semitones below input
Ratio 1/8 --> 36 semitones (3 8va) below input
Ratio 1/16 --> 48 semitones (4 8va) below input
the outputs for Ratios 2/3, 1/3, and 1/6 are respectively one, two and three octaves below the major fourth.
i might be wrong. please comment if you find an error here :)
the first half of each measure is the unaffected tone, the third quarter note of each measure is the rbock affected tone, the fourth quarter note is the unaffected tone to compare the rbock's output to. i've tried in a few places and it seems to hold true for me, (but maybe my ears are off). select all of the notes in the notetrack and move them up and down and play it. if you find a mismatch in third and fourth tones of a measure, it's a bad theory, let me know ;)