Mostly samples again.

Two different mixes included in this one, I personally like the second one better but the first one has more of my on synths.

Right now it's kind of hard for me to make music. My good heaphones broke, so I'm currently using some shitty headphones with only one side working, so I can't master anything. Also, the last few days my wifi has been uber slow, like it takes a minute to load a page, so it's harder to get on here. for christmas I'm getting new heaphones and my da mentioned something about fixing the wifi, but for now you're going to see a lot less of my music :(

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  • Damn

  • this track makes me feel good, too I'm ramming a quarter inch diameter pencil up my pee hole to stablize my emotions

  • Love it! Tropical House?

  • Oh yeah I got battlefield

  • I dont care if this is mostly samples, its still good m8

  • I have so much to do right now.

  • da.

  • I love this style!

    The stabs (or plucks) (they are not what they are called), they sound very Caribbean and the whole track has an exaggerated summery flavor

    I hope you get some great help for Christmas ;)