Your walking home in the rain and a feeling overcomes you. You begin to dance as the water pours down on you. You feel like nothing matters just the rain falling and every step you take.

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  • Dude. This is amazing. Super chill, like how it should be when it's raining! Nice work.

  • Don't like the snare tho xD

  • Man this is awesome :D

  • Thanks

  • Very nice

  • Thanks and ill work on that!

  • Cool, but you need some "fades" on the samples, and add some synths to your songs! Keep working :D

  • Good. Can't wait to hear it :)

  • yea still learning them def going to make a remix of this song with synths though!

  • I really like the song, but I would have a lot more respect if you had actually made all of it using synths and such.

  • Cool and relaxing

  • :)

  • Thanks nicemusicguy glad you like!

  • This is cool m8! :)

  • Thanks!