@Dei Servus
. presbyterianism refers to the form of church government we think is outlined in the Bible, very different from, say, catholic government. But anyway, from John Calvin, the Jonathan Edwards and J. Gresham Machen, its been a defining philosophy in American life and inspires me a lot.
hahah I could but you make things with a certain stye Idont tink i could compare to so Iwont fix whats not broken jt one preference unless you really want one in which case I like expiramenting and larning from it. and itsjust one synth thats kinda high to me. thats all
Honesty is pretty much my favorite thing apart from presbyterian theology and pine trees. I'm not probably the best bass maker on audiotool, but feel free to pry this one open and make a basstastic remic, man! I love remixes.