I'm not finished with the drums yet and I'll do them later they don't sound the best (virux helped me set up the drum machine thank you by the way partial credit to them)I improvised on the part near the end and cut out another bit at the end but I'll add it in later

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  • Perfect recreation props man 👍

  • i took no part in this i just gave some advice gigamesh did all the work i believe

  • Nice track !

    • hey I did the whole song by the way

    • thank you! I did it by listening to the actual song. the beginning was rough but the rest got better

  • was this recreated by ear or did you manage to find a MIDI? I haven't been able to :/

    • its not the best but it was fun to make :)

    • thank you for setting the drum machine up I couldn't have made the rest without you

    • thank you :)

    5 more
  • honestly it should be in beat with the drums at the big pause in the middle

    • and I couldn't get the violins to sound right for a certain part so I just had it hold the note

  • Republished

    I made the full song without drums in the instrumental