yet another unpublished beat from 4y ago! I'm trying to finish old drafts because it was hurting me a little that they would never see the light of day. This one's a bit abrasive, i was having fun with bandpass filters :)

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  • dis gud

  • How can you ever move away from dnb ? Sweet neuro man

    • Oh i still listen to lots of it of course!! I'm just not making it, i've been experimenting with other stuff! thanks mate

  • love dis

  • Oh yeah! Heavy!! xD Cool that you're finishing off your old bits! Shame though, that they're not full tracks. From a quality point of view they'd deserve to become full tracks! :)

    • thanks, glad you're liking them!! The thing is that these drafts are really old and I moved a bit from making drum&bass and this style, so I really only have the patience to finish them as they are to finally let them out of my system ahah :)

  • pretty dope man

  • omg yes! amazing track! please keep it coming!

    • thanks man!! i will try ahah