needs a bit of mixing and some more sounds. it's a bit repetitive and that melody solo could use with a bit of layering. try fine tuning your sounds by replicating them and altering the clone slightly or even try modulating your oscillators with each other. try different waveform combinations and you might find some really neat sounds!
Your melody is also super close to the front of your mix and distractingly mono....
...try to spread your sounds a bit more or maybe do some panning automations, even slight ones, and you'll find it sort of spices your mixes up a little
I personally would love to pan that lead into a stereo or even replicate it, panning one completely left and the other completely right, and playing them simultaneously, and then sort of moving the panning a little bit, running it through the pulsedelay or even though a couple of phasers at low mix value :3