Came up with the little melody, and instantly knew where to go next. It wasnt going to be something original, nothing big, but that is unimportant. Simply, I immedietly heard the feel of the slow burning melodic goodness of the best, original trap producer on AT: @Zack , I love you <3

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  • I agree with Noir that the bass is a bit too bright and could use some compression. Is it layered with a sub by chance? That could help balance it out a lot if you run the sub/bass through a minimixer and balance them out before sending both signals as one to the centroid. But besides that this is really nice, the drums are punchy and don’t stand out too much, that’s not always easy to do especially when they are a main focus. Excellent job!

  • I saw you wanted feedback from Limauru, so I figured I'd give some as well. The bass is playing a very prominent, upfront role, so I think you could do a bit more to give it character and shape. Look up tutorials on sine compression and similar bass techniques. I also notice almost everything except the drums happens on the quarter note downbeat. Giving one voice a little syncopation can add interest and a sort of "Talking back and forth" effect that can be satisfying.

    • thank you very much :) Ill note that for the next time I make something similar, but I might fiddle around with this a bit

  • There is a bit of loss of frequencies in the hi-hats, so I would adjust that accordingly. Probably bring up the level, and play around with the EQ so you can hear it better. As for the kick drum, I feel it needs more low-end because it is not very boomy, in my opinion. The counter melody sounds cool. Would like to hear that more through-out the song.

  • You don't have feedback, so I know that is gonna hurt. But lemme tell you what I think about this.