Galaxy EP

Track 4 / 5


Song Title: Quasar (kwey-zahr)

Definition: an unusually bright object found in the remote areas of the universe.

Description: Just using some piano again. :)

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  • Can we just appreciate this song for its ExPe Major-ness

  • Top comment is really true.

  • this song is PHAT

  • my feeeeels


  • rerererererefav (6th time now i think)

  • FACT

    the first time you see a quasar from earth (its just a white dot, like the stars) it's actually gone because the light from it is still travelling around to us, and the expansion of space just adds more time to that. and actually, a quasar is the most brightest thing in the universe! its a black hole eating a star that is orbiting around it, just very very very slowly chipping away the star, and it becomes a belt around the black hole which is interesting and bright!

  • Kind of in love with this now, xD

  • rererererefav

  • rerererefav

  • omgggg

  • rererefav

  • Lol. I wish I could have some inspiration to make this stuff again. xD

    Them VDE Knight drums are bae. #hatersgonnahate

  • When you open up to make big changes and then realize you clicked remix..

  • This is my fav on the EP.