live in the moment

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  • Lots of cool stuff. I think some of the sounds could be balanced better but overall its a nicely made track. I love the melodies and chords as well as the different sections

  • I want to rmx

  • Cool sounds

  • Not bad so far. I dont have much bad things to say tbh

    i mean its obviously not like a god-tier work, but its a good break from the generic trap I usually get on my wall. Thank you for this

    Have you ever tried sidechaining? It helps your mix not sound so asdfjahdlvsdfkjl whenever the kick hits

    Also not much in the way of eqing, but where you lack in that area you make up for in production value. You made something enjoyable to listen to without much in the way of mixing, thats not always easy

    • Ive been getting into breakbeat lately and learning more surrounding it, Thank you for the constructive criticism.

  • This will be updated.