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  • its getting better every time you re pub!

    • @ivy walker i agree to an extent about people frowning on making beats but thats only because they are much easier to make than other songs imo so i could spend like an hour making a great beat and then spend 3 days making other songs that are just as great but a different style. but yeah i dont like to frown on trap or beats cuz i think its kinda stupid to hate on good music even if its easier to make.

    • dude ily so cool that people just are following me on this acct. i think this might be frowned upon in the audiotool community but tbh i just make beats here and then i rap over them and put them on soundcloud. if u wanna hear the finished products go check me out:

      hopefully the link works lol. if not just search ivy walker on soundcloud. PEACE :P