Don't really know what to say about this one.

Been listening to Cheetos Magazine and Cardiacs.

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  • music to chug red bull to and then punch holes in my mom's bedroom walls

    • also your production is 1000000% on point

  • beautiful

  • Like you're vocals very much, great detail and mix, superb.:~)

  • Sheesh man this is sick.

  • Republished

    New cover (also a few more mix updates)

  • yoooo this is awesome! love the drums!

  • DAMN. EPO's, performance enhancing drugs, and steroids!

  • awesome

  • absolutely brilliant, so expertly created

  • 0:23 and 1:41 are so satisfying and groovy, and the "you gotta get high" part MMMFFFFFFF

    • Thank you so much @Carrion Haven

      I knew I was taking some risks on the composition with this and it's really satisfying to get confirmation on it.

    • this

  • huge

    massive, even

  • super creative! mega mix of sounds and rhythms

    • had a crack at injecting some groove to the chorus lol

      sounds a bit busy in the first half imo but it seems a step towards a groovy kind of heaviness

    • All in the drums I reckon! You'd just need a kit loud enough to sound heavy with ghost notes that still pop out. That's something I'm trying to make on here atm so I can use AT for guitar stuff too

    • I wonder if I could make your style of grooviness heavy...

  • (HOT TAKE) Despite what some might say: this ain't man tits

    • As a former art student who've drawn many muscles I am really with you on the difficulty of some muscles, keep at it though I love the cover art you provide your songs with. Cover art is a very important aspect of music I think

    • been thinking a lot about anatomy as I've been taking better care of my health.

      The body is cool. too bad I can't draw muscles all that well yet!

  • Man Tits