Your favorite duo returns with one last masterpiece. This track was lots of fun and Vulkron taught me a lot of stuff. But the time has come for me to say goodbye to the AT community for a while. I will return later in the future one day. Great masterpieces will be left behind for you guys to enjoy.
For now, though... Farewell. - Sub4sax
I gotta say this dude has actually taught me a lot. Since we started collabing, he's shown me a bunch of good music that he listens to on FHR, and if I hadn't met him, who knows what I'd be producing now (probably some trap shit :P)
But in all seriousness, I'm actually kinda sad to see a great guy leave the world of producing music, even for a little while. The collabs we did together in the past, you know: LOL, Joule, Young Gods (still a little uncomfortable with that name :P :P), and all the others. Those are great Memories, arent they Sub ;) see what I did hehe.
Anyways, We decided to pump one more out before he left. Enjoy guys :D :D - Vulkron