Mu Phantazein is the fifth commander of the Astral Plane. Chartreuse originally occupied this spot, but due to an overwhelming force beyond the commanders themselves, things were somehow rewritten, and Mu became the fifth commander. Chartreuse is the only one who still remembers everything, and he theorizes with Mu about it now and then as a pastime. Mu Phantazein was originally a being that could add and change the properties and relationships of existing things. The sheer amount of things he could do with this ability is absurd, but generally speaking, it's similar to property editors in game studios and media editing tools. He can even rewrite the functions of other beings and things as if he were coding them himself. Mu doesn't have the ability to create like the other commanders do (even including Apnea), as he can only create very basic shapes and concepts. He uses his intellect to work wonders under such limits, and he's even managed to create his sectors this way. Regardless of his limitations, his usefulness to the Astral Plane is to be respected, as traces of his work are nigh-omnipresent. He is a mad scientist through and through.

How this song was created: I recorded myself creating chiptune from start to finish

[LOOP START: 3:47 | Time Signatures: 4/4, 5/4, 7/4, 13/8, 14/8, 15/8, 16/8]

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