The Cosmis Kingdom is a strange kingdom of Hexarcanic. Where the Magnes Kindom resides in the blindingly bright Photon Hills, the Loctis Kingdom on a gravity-defying (or gravity-bent) series of flying islands, the Thermas Kingdom inside the volcano Mount Joule, the Exusas Kindom on the Exusas Archipelago, and the Corrupted Kingdom somewhere in the Darkened Range or Corrupted Valley or Madman's Pass, the Cosmis Kingdom resides in the Cosmis Fold. A strange place where time and space is a mess, and sentient crystals resonate their temporal song and tear apart Corrupted Forces in gruesome but anomalous manners. Physicists from our world would cry when they stumble upon the Cosmis Fold in Hexarcanic, most especially Albert Einstein. But, there is a certain beauty amongst the chaos.
The only way you can access the Cosmis Fold is through portals that occasionally appear in the Scorched Savanna in Hexarcanic, especially in caves.
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