Yo waddup boiz n gorls, so this is my first track from Purplee album, I liked my first version of the track, but I also was bored, so I just invited my best friend from the school Zach (AWENIX) and this version is gold rn, hope you enjoy! Also, don't forget to check out AWENIX's tracks, he's new there so support him! :D

-Vadym's Day


Hello ladies and gentlemen, this is my first track collaborated with Vadym's Day, I learned very big this from him so thanks to him ;3

If the mix does sound like garbage, sorry, our CPU just went to the cemetery x3

Support us with slapping the like and following us if we diverse that, if not, then don't do anything. Enjoy :)



Don't spam in the comments.

Don't advertise anything.

Respect for each other.

For no respect, temporal mute.

Official Vadym's Day and AWENIX page.

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  • Love that guitar, and I could totally see someone adding vocals to this track, that would be awesome!

  • Oldy garbage lmao

  • Love the guitar at the beginning

    The perc is very delicious

    And the drops are p epic B)

  • love it!!

  • I didn't expect that this will in #5 place C:

  • Dang how have I not faved this already

    Love the guitar :D

  • nice

  • damn man

    100x better than Fly Away

    love this shit

    mix do be kinda muddy on the lowend

    • Thank you :)

      I'll try to fix that soon as possible

  • Whoo-hoo, it charted!

  • Eq the saws at 100-150 Hz so there is no mud, it leaves room for bass...

    • Sure, I'll change it as I can, thanks for the tips!

    • Also, in the drop, take out the pad, and when the guitar starts, eq at 100-150 Hz so it isnt muddy...

    • please, this song is so muddy

  • Beaut!

  • Relaxing it is. Like I do. Yoda I talk like. nMn. upside down uWu I did. :). Happy I am.

  • this really nice man! keep up the good work.

  • The snapshot kinda hurts me lol.

    • Lol thanks, I worked on that :)

    • I like how both your symbols/logos look side by side its like it was meant to happen Ima take a screenshot of that