Ok this is my AT day entry. As always I'm making things more difficult then nescesarry :)

Tried to make a no-sample track again. But after 11 heisens, 5 pulvs, 3 spaces a 808 and a 909 my PC decided to not like the track that much anymore :D

So it is a minimal dnb'ish track. Hope u enjoy.

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  • Trimendus work dude,,, cleeean n sexy techno at its best mate, YES ;)

  • this is great bro!

  • I love the atmosphere of tension that is created in the buildup of the track.

    And I see that the rhythm is not in 4/4 WoW

    Everything sounds very clean and clear.

    Great Work !!!

    • thx mate

      The track is 4/4 btw :D

  • No samples.. Super!!! Great D&B track, wonderful soundscape.

  • Ur probably my fav producer on AT low-key, man. Everything u do is so intricately designed to perfection

    • That's funny in a way cus u don't even follow me :D

      But thx allot. Always a good feeling to hear such comments

  • So, it’s agreed that you are the most amazingly detail oriented producer here who continues to grow and flourish with each piece? Because in my opinion, you are the true definition of inspiring. You are so talented but yet it seems with each track you continue to grow and further yourself, and dammit I find that so admirable. I’m elated to have you as a friend, because your tracks mean so much to me.

    • U rlly r an inspiration, man.

    • Oh man, this really makes me blush. I have no words to describe my gratitude. I ve never concidered myself as someone that inspires others. But ofc im really happy to inspire others.

  • Wow, man this is an interesting production!

  • stunning work man

  • i'm really loving the percussion in this

    cool track man

    • holy shit

      that's incredible

    • Thx man. All made with heisens and pulves :)

  • groovy

  • OMG this is fantastic

    • So noisy and groovy at the same time, in love with this sound

  • pure fuckin' dirty techstep pirate radio vibes, nice one man

  • Thank you

    • Yw mate. Im just trying to make some music :)

  • This is so grimy and i love it, what were you on when you made this ;)

    • Light agrum, salt chips .... works sometimes :D

  • so uh, one of your tags is 'Jabob' haha

    • Prob one of the original tags :)