XculE: Do you like Deathstep and Hentai?


Perdition: Well we got the song for you! ;P


This BROTHER helped me learn Deathstep, I think? x3


Go follow Pwease UWU

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  • thin ass snare moment

  • Lol, this charted

  • I Ship Perdition and XculE

    • oh no

    • As long as it doesnt sink like the Olympic (or as most know it, the Titanic) or was it Olympus? The sister ship.

    • Great, another ship

  • O-

  • this is vile

  • 0:18 That screech made me nutt. I love deathstep so much. Nice job on this Xcule, seriously.

    Perdition is once again proving himself to be one of the most capable people on audiotool. lol

    • Thats just a reversed snare. Also, thx, manz! <3<3<3 my heart feelz weird after reading that

  • Why does this remind me of the time panda eyes produced deathstep just to prove he could?

  • honestly tho, thx for giving me the opportunity to teach you! you caught on mad fast!

  • obligatory 02 cover lol

  • Oh....Uhh, ok.