wow i love this very good!!! if you have time check out my 3 latest tracks.... they are DUB hope to hear some feed back.... and i also added you to my following... if you like what you hear do the same please
loveley dub step we were having a conversation about t how there was too much dub step and how most of it is different version s of the same thing and i pointed out something you taught me about dub step being about tempo and beat and how bass wobbles are more of an aspect of this style.
this is a good example a point i was trying to make about applying melodies and other styles can go great in dub step but that only 1% of the dub step ( and the kind that i like ) has that Quality. this is a good showcase for that
i love that this is good :) i recently used some beep s and boops in my hard style track that i made as a result of listening to astrum then abaddon then opening audio tool lol