Haha! xD
This track is to show the RAW POWER of Automations. One Pulverisateur used only. ;) Check!
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0 -
0 you know what this gives me the idea to do en intire song with a bass lead pad and improvised drums with just one puleratur
0 Thankyou.. ;P
0 Brilliant
0 Totally, man, go ahead! =DD
0 yes this is awesome
0 *Really? Thanks. ;P I just edited a synth that was an AT original.
0 nice^^ incredible sounds
0 It's just a short demonstration of how you can change (seemingly) the whole preset by automations.
0 What that Exactly ?
0 It's just to show how much of a change you can make within one synth. ;P
0 heh. the last 4 notes.