Hope you've been watching as we published every new version to let you see the progress over time. Here is the finished track :)

N.B: A pulsar (see artwork) is one way for a star to die. It is basically a crazy star that flashes like mad.

Pulsar = strobe lights

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  • Lol my old physics teacher is obsessed with astrophysics. Well, that's what he got his degree in. Very passionate teacher, cool guy. Hopefully 'Trippy' makes the music describe a pulsar better. I just made a nice vocal sample in Audacity, gonna start working with it right now. Won't get sleep tonight :( lol

  • Haha cool! I'm taking an astronomy class right now and we talked about pulsars...fascinating stuff :D

  • Republished

    Output Level was too high. Now it's not distorting any more (yay?)

  • Republished

    New little thing at 2:55 called 'TRIPPY', plus some more mastering, panning, etc... Boring stuff.

  • Heavy af

  • I remastered it. Hope the levels are better.