The first battle against Apnea is wild and chaotic, affecting the surroundings just as much as it's affecting you and Odera. Since his attacks aren't very focused, you and Odera have opportunities to avoid them.


Odera is fighting to pursue satisfaction in himself rather than to pursue satisfaction in others’ view of himself, which means that he is happy traveling with you. You are fighting to continue your journey to discover the amazing things that the astral plane has to offer, but over the course of your journey, you realize that when you first entered the astral plane, you (the character you control) were very selfish and callous, and still are by nature, but not to the same extent. you have learned to feel a bit of shame as a result of del aura’s action against you, ignoring del astra’s warnings, and harming the loads of astral beings that were in your way, although it was mostly self defense. You want to make up for your actions, apologize to Del Aura, and to get along with the other commanders, but Apnea just doesn’t understand.


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  • wonderful

  • I could be wrong, but this is the most chaotic mix in the AA series I've ever heard...maybe I'm saying this too soon?

  • the stories with these songs are almost better than the songs.... so good :D

    • agreed

      came for the story, stayed for the music