My entry to Jaxxn's RC. Worked really hard on this, especially the chords. The draft is very laggy for me, but I'm able to pursue on this one.

I thank Aura for giving me tips on the chords for mixing n' stuff. <3

Enjoy. :)

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  • I like the idea you have going here! I feel to make this even better (not for comp sake but for skill sake) is to lighten up on the sidechain, bring out the chords and sub more. I feel it could use more highs. it almost sounds like theres a slope w/ lowpass on the whole thing

  • that panning messed me up man. :)

    • Ah, well, don't be alarmed, it's just a lil' pan-work. lol.

    • sounds great, it is just that panning always scares the shit out of me because I think my headphones are breaking again.

    • Haha, I'm glad you liked. Figured I'd spice up the intro with a bit of panning. ;)

      Also, the rain in the background, I panned that from left to right periodically for more depth. xD

  • lol I think you won again...

  • Republished

    Fixed something I know about now. ;)

  • I think the drop could use a little more high end, also personally not much of a fan of the snare, but otherwise, nice job.

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  • nice work ^^

  • Republished


  • I hope this'll be my last repub. ;)

  • Republished

    At this point I can't make anymore edits dealing with listening to the track in the draft. It's just way too laggy. I took out glide and fixed a part on the transition AND slightly changed the drum pattern during the wiggly wobbly part of the song. ;)

  • good job

  • does my eyes only water when it i feel the sidechains ?

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  • This is dope dude, great work! Needs a bit of mixing and EQ work but that's nothing you can't do (: 1:15 is cracking as well

    • Oh. Thanks! xD I thought it meant something was wrong with it. xD

      Also if I don't get to this to fix it then yes! Will we do it in rab or something?

    • Yeah cracking is a British term, it means really good (: if needs be when I get my new laptop I can help you master/EQ this?

    • But I want this to be perfect so I'll try. ;)

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  • Republished

    fixed arp stuff in the ending parts

  • Republished

    Oh boy, my first very OWN draft that happens to really lag. xD I had lots of fun working on this, and I might make some presets becasuse these saws... mmm. xD Hope you guys enjoy. Took me about 2 days to complete. :D

  • you know if you timeline record the track out, it saves you from publishing the original draft as a preview and when you release the real version you don't have to just republish. also this is cool but it's REALLy muddy.

    • Yes, and I could've done that, but I was testing out the layering technique for chords and stuff.

    • I understand, just remember though that sometimes less is more. You can have 1 huge supersaw that fills the entire spectrum completely to where you don't need additional layers but only a sub or bass underneath it.

    • Tbh I pubbed it the way it is because right now it's really laggy. Can't really do this stuff often ya know?

      Big project for my little comp, but I'll try to pursue.

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