You take what's broke and make it beautiful.

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  • still a gem

  • This is fire

  • this is phenomenal

  • Mmmwahhhhh

  • so professional. amazing

  • Congratulations getting on the boards again! This is sick dawg.

  • dude you know u can make guitar synths now right? kinda no need for samples lol

    • in my honest opinion, i think truly recording and playing real guitar for something like this just works and feels so much better

    • i sent it, lil sumthing im working on

    • gotcha

    3 more
  • In the beginning..

    • Do a song about Psalms 23

    • Nah, I never leave the book that these are from. Most are psalms and proverbs, though.

  • Sounds pretty anime intro

  • oh yes

  • New bible album? poggery if yes

    2 more
  • rammstein

    1 more
  • Wow how did you pull off the guitars and vocals. You record it into AT? Really nice. I really want to record my guitars and vocals but it never works out like I want. Great track, I would love an epic solo with it. But that's just me. AT is pretty amazing right? We all use the same setup with such different outcomes.

    • Faketar has its own vibe that can be heavy, too

    • makes me wanna learn guitar so that I can do some realtar in AT instead of faketar

    • This DAW is able to pull off any sound you want. When I record my guitar, I do a direct out from my amp so that I don't have to worry about my tiny living room sound. After that I use compressors, EQ's and reverbs that arre all offered right in audiotool. AT is actually really good at cleaning up crappy guitar tones.

  • incredible

  • You're on AT's official YouTube channel