I so long for the day when human kind Reaches the threashold of Constant exploartion of the universe . Cuz you know as Space exploration is open to the masses of humanity the first thing we are going to do is to figure out fun ways to play in space.

I wonder what kind of sports we will make .. What music will be around then . will they be playing audio tool on the moon .. Perhaps cuz Audio tool Rox. I Wonder if we will play baseball there and if home runs will be Measured By Hitting a ball so hard it breaks the moons orbit.

these are fun things to think about . some times i

wish i was born in a time where we broke the code of space travel . but i am also happy to live in such a time that is on the threashold of so many things . things that we cant even imagin yet are happining right now .. where will it all bring us

Perhaps amegeddon wont happen if we are able to break free of our beatiful home called earth and see out New and fun ways to play in space

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