Hey guys . THis is my remix of Pirates of the Carribean
In celebration for my birthday (dec 9th) i decided to Do a mix competition,
This is not really a competition as much as it is a mix Event With Prizes.
<<<<<<<<<<<< NSTRUCTIONS >>>>>>>>>>>
1 Click on remix for this track
2 Use same pic and Title it "Pirates of the carribean (you mix)"
3 Create a Track in any genera and by any means Available too you,
4 Publish your track as a remix of this track on audiotool by Jan 9th
++++++++++++ RULES +++++++++++++++++
1. Must be published in audio tool as a remix of this track otherwise i might not see it.
2. Must be Pirates of the carribean theme
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< TIPS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Creative use of samples are permitted
Out side DAW/VST are also permitted
If your track is completely different then mine THAT IS OKAY and encouraged. and i will not claim any rights to it.
Differenty Styles and Genera are Greatly encouraged
Enter as many tracks as you like
++++++++++++++ PRIZES +++++++++++++++
I will choose one winner who will recieve a sample pack of Hundreds of Drum one shots,
a feature on my home page and FB, and
an extra sample pack including pads basses Strings and Guitars.
I will randomly select 9 GOOD tracks that show creativity and effort, these artist will recieve Hundreds of Drum and percussion one shots. and a feature on my front page and facebook page
All sample packs will be Royalty free .wav quality samples
I created this track using only audiotool but you can use anything you want
I am putting a lot of effort into creating these sample packs so please put some effort into reading the instructions. and remember to BLOW MY FUCKING MIND
Good Luck
Edit : corrected some spelling and Turned up a synth slightly
Deadline Jan 9th
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