awesome track

I spent bloody ages on this track so i hope it appeals to you XD
I was gonna release it on sunday but then i was just like Screw it and so out it came right here right now.
Tried to make the layers fit in a lot more this time round.
If you like, repost, fave and comment (free download :D)
If you don't like, dont be afraid to give me crit.
On SC press buy then press MP3. It's free, i promise :)
Thanks - PhysiK
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1 This is DOPE!
1 Shit :0 this is so nice Woow!
2 Love it (because of your unique style that I don't think I've seen in any other artist) but I have a little bit of an OCD itch with this song.
To me it just seems that the second drum hit pattern is a bit rushed, or that there's not enough space in between the hits.
Other than that, this is yet another masterpiece.
0 @_levictus_ so catchy that you didn't fave?
1 AWSOME so catchy
1 amazing you are really good but you should add a deeper bass drop
1 sorry, not my taste
1 loooove it
1 yh man that intro was rrly nice man :) ireckon for dat drum beat try it at 170 bpm it should sound better i feel
1 at 2.20 i love that build up.. I was hoping it was building up to something crazy like glitch step or glitch hop something crazy anyway thats just my prefrence tho so dont go changing it, its brilliant
1 euphoric
1 uplifting
1 its good ye, happy beat and bass
1 liking the intro so far so good, ill comment again when the beat begins in about 30 seconds lol