my first ever entry for AT day, went for something almost...hallucinate sounding?

idk, its pretty ugly though.

hope you guys enjoy, merry christmas :)

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  • refabbing this slapper

  • you're a mf and you know it

  • Definitely a different sound than what im used to hearing

  • dam

  • Pop Offf brother (was suppose to comment days ago my bad) real good stuff

  • I love the spicy sound design.

  • ty for #1! :)

  • dirtyyyy

  • my ears

  • 3:00 sounds like its from why arent you where you are

    • same sound design fun fact ;)

  • This is literal insanity, there's no way I could make something like this in that little time

    • hopefully that helps (:

    • no I understand, it could be multiple things. I see it as maybe just a lack of inspiration, or maybe even an artist block. as a recommendation, go find a song you really like. Could be any genre really doesn’t matter, and try and recreate it. just going out and examining a track, listening to the sounds and thinking how you could make it really teaches a lot (at least for me it did). It may not seem intriguing but it’s something I used to do a lot and it helped me learn sound design super quick

    • IDK, it doesn't make sense what I'm saying

    2 more
    • loved making that part hehe

  • I feel like you rather believed in the unachievable, and you achieved it. I can't, IDK, you killed my ability to everything. This is amazing.

    • lol tysm man, youve been so supportive all this time and I can’t thank you enough. just know more of this style is coming so this wont be the last youll hear of this experimental trap stuff ;)

  • Frick