At first I tought 'wtf man??', then I read the description haha, nice percussions man I like it :)

Just a quick half hour experiment
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0 -
0 Mombaaah
0 Thanks guys!
0 Killer!
0 Crazy how it all comes together and it still makes sense, in the end, haha. It's good! I wish you had played more with panning, though. *-*
0 The stutters give a unique rhythm. Nice!
0 nice experimentation man... very cool
0 p cool, tasteful stuttering. that moombah groove section towards the end is cool
0 Lel 69 plays
0 Thankyou so much guys! :)
0 this is kinda fun..
0 i really like how eclectic this is
0 mustve been alot of automatons here.
0 sounds almost tribal.
but i like it man.
0 I need to add a sub to this