Well, Xeslte is awesome xD Go follow him, or i'll follow you home.... and murder you....



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  • The third chord irks me but its k

  • Boi the first chord hits me

  • lol

  • Fine vip this

  • Lol I used that image...

  • Sounds pretty nice guys. GJ

    Could have more bass for me :)

  • Republished

    Volume edits and slight chord synth edit that you probably won't notice

  • yea..... but dont lower it to much :P

  • But wait! I do have some crit, haha!

    At parts like 0:40 and 0:48 (and everything similar to that), its a lot louder than the drums/sub/chords. I'd say lowering the volume to that synth that glides at 1:30 , so it fits better,

  • this is good man

  • 12.......HUEHUEHUE

  • Holy..

    this is amazing! How does this only have 11 favs?

  • @LEX Nah the main pic was google images xD The rest is photoshop xD