Dedicated to those lost and gone away. See you on the other side.

Second piece. Trying to get better with the synth skills. Help?

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  • Nice! You did a fantastic job with those chords man!

  • Wow. :O

  • man i hate this drum line. Going to change that the first chance i get

  • It's peaceful! Realxing! Serene! Consequenly, rather boring.

  • Republished

    Changed up the drum line. Better?

  • gj

  • Hypnotizing.

  • Thanks a ton, i guess it just comes down to being familiar with the tech

  • Nice melody.

    I can appreciate trying to get your work out there ;)

    And, since you mentioned in your description that you're trying to get better with the synth skills: just fiddle with every knob or number you see. Eventually, you'll get a feel for what you want and be able to create the exact sound you're thinking of. Also, Don't forget to make use of the effects; get creative :D

  • I appreciate that. I was feeling the chill. I take inspiration from M83 and tried to channel it into a good sound.

  • God damn dude! Love the chill!!!!! <3

  • Thanks Berixor though i dont think i did it very much justice