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  • ya hahaha yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hahaha im working on a really hard song and griffenE said he would agree to put dubstep in it...

  • nice experiment :)

  • @Krow of Klouds .Hahahahahahaa i love your comment. Im looking at your tracks next.! Im working on something reallllly hard in my opinion lol. So im asking GriffenE if he can help witg the track. Thnx :)

  • Oh and sorry. I just get really passionate about this kinda stuff. The creativity and all, I love it. Your all awesome.

  • Cool wish I had the attention span to get on audiotool and make something instead of being side tracked by random youtube videos and porn sites. Raging hormones suck by the way. Oh yeah and staying up till 6am then waking up at 1pm really doesn't help me at. Just makes me feel like a cup of jello for the whole day. Or atleast my brain feels that way. But back to your creation. It's good, kind of flat in my opinion but it's experiment and it's not completely finished so good job, can't wait to here what you cook up this time. It's like you live in a meth lab but instead of cooking up crazy drugs you put out theses dope ass tracks!!! Your awesome dude.

  • oke not my cup of thea,ill just make some n oise for you guys . thanks for reply

  • can you tell me how you get your track featured.

  • listening again ;D

  • that last part made no sense but you understand hahahahahaha

  • @ABADDON you have to make a song that the owner of the website likes...suck for me becuase the music that the owner likes im not really in to. well i do like some tracks like that i cant lie.

  • hey its good to see you experimenting with the pulv! more creativity and practice is involved but keep it up, it will be fun journey to mastering it! im just starting to mess with it myself....if it seems a bit wierd try learning how to use the effects by effecting the tone matrix, so that way when you start the pulvs you will know what effect does what and what sound you are looking for :D cant wait for the next song

  • @ABADDON you have to make a good song lol. which includes technique, great sounds, and true talent

  • how do you get your track featerd ?? tell me please

  • haha thnx. im gonna try to finish it sooner or latr :)

  • awesome....made me think of jersey shore,haha.i like it.