Psychodelic Funk was invented by N.Whitfield ..i listen to Papa was a rolling stone at least 20 times...before trying to emulate it(poorly) i admit

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  • Very nice,bro.

  • oh yeah awesome :D

  • This is has some nice old school vibes pretty fresh nice work!

    so true tho


  • I've said this in different places, but I really don't want to be featured. I'd rather others get the spotlight for that. But I can say they've been doing a great job finding different people & tracks to feature rather than the same users over and over again. Just keep promoting the tracks you like and be a virus spreading the love of the music to your followers :)

  • Forgot to fave, my bad :)

  • Ah, I see. I agree, we have too much talent going unnoticed here. Maybe we should have features for different genres? Or like five features a day instead of one? That would be nice

  • Thanks Codex but I meant not only for myself but others as well, U and I know ALOT of Arche3.0 should be featured but they are not, I don't get it.

  • I know how you feel SBD, but it will come with time. You write some awesome tracks :) I would feature you anyday mate!!

  • It's just a little frustrating when I hear U guys making really great music and they don't get featured...who picks the features? I know Burn studio wants to project their sound but I think there's room for all..

  • @ SouthBronxDen: this is true of all aspects of life, not just music!...Identity is a prime mover!! :)

  • I wouldn't call it hate, but you're right that there are popular genres on here and most fit techno, dubstep, dnb, trance and other EBM (electronic body music). Basically dance music. I don't write dance music, but some people can dance to it. That's coincidental. I write music for its own sake and for enjoyment. If you can bob your head, then that's fine, but I won't have anything in a club anytime.

  • An observation: I've and others have noticed no matter how good the track if it doesn't fit into a mold it is ignored. I THINK it has alot to do with the opposite message of the sample "Love Generation" and that's sad...and the haters know who they are.

  • Just caught this one. Great idea an you did a goo job emulating it. Very clever.

  • thanks EVERYONE,

  • just listened to it last comment sucked...this is sik man...i can tell there is alot of layers...i cant do that...i can usually only make 2 or three layers b3 it soundsl ike crap...sweet track