After my last remix competition that didn't really go as planned, I want to do another.
Now I've been legit working on this track for a bit trying to perfect the beat, but the sample is so cool so I want some others to get a crack at it.
There aren't really awards attached. I just want to hear cool music. So have fun! I'll rank the tracks in early April. Have fun!
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0 -
0 Have you ranked the tracks ?
1 dont worry im working on it
0 mood
0 definitely entering this.
0 Mmm sorry I can't do anything with this
1 palm trees [remix comp] entries close in a week!
1 'bout to enter this
1 oh shit old school is my alley i might do this
1 I'll do it.
1 Ace Finna Enter
1 ha ha aah ahaaaaa whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
1 please open this for download
1 but
1 i will remix this